Here are some of my coding projects! I've mostly excluded things created in my classes, so these are largely things I have made on my own!
Discord Bot:
- Eggbot is a general-purpose Discord bot written in Python. It was originally created as a personal use bot for a Discord server owned by my friends. It has various built-in replies for certain mentions in chat, commands for in-game strategies, and can play audio from YouTube videos when given a link! You can chat with @eggbot3000#5097 on Discord, and prompt it with !help for information regarding its commands.
Racket Projects:
- A collection of projects written for my Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 class, taught in Racket- a functional programming language which is a derivative of Scheme, used at Northeastern University.
Java Projects:
- A collection of projects written both for my Fundamentals of Computer Science 2 class and as just personal use programs. Class projects require two .jar files with a testing library written for students to be able to test their code.
- Miscellaneous other projects in various states of completion.